My appearance on the stage |
Guys, This is for slovak readers only since I am featuring in the slovak web portal and sure you won´t understand but anyways you can check out these pics from friday Fashion TV Party in the articles and me being there on HERE and also HERE. Thanks for your support and I will definitely keep up with my work as a blogger and stylist :)
Wow, fotky z akcie Fashion party a jej prehliadok, ktorá sa konala 26.4.13 v o Fashion café sa objavili aj na webe a to konkretne v článkoch na TU a tiež na TU. Je to pre mňa veľká pocta a vážim si to. Budem sa snažiť aj naďalej pokračovať v blogovaní a tiež v "stylyngu" a prinášať vám len to najlepšie z módy, ktorú milujem. Takže sa máte na čo tešiť
Vaša Lucy
everybody clubbing :) Can you find me there ????? |
Models having a great time |
My favorite styling of this show - GUESS total look, versace at H&M accessories |